Setting up paris_1970

At this point, you have all of the tools necessary to work on our project installed, so let's put it all together and get the project running.

If you have not yet completed the Technical Onboarding guide, you're in the wrong place. Head over to the Intro and get started there. You'll end up back here eventually.

Cloning the Repository

VS Code should open to the "Get Started" window. If you've used it before, go to File > New Window to get back there.

Click "Clone Git Repository..." and click "Clone from GitHub" and follow the prompts to allow VS Code to interact with your GitHub account.

Once you've authorized VS Code with GitHub, click "Clone Git Repository..." again and paste in the following url into the input box:

Click "Clone from URL" and pick a directory to save the project. Do not save the project in a folder synced by OneDrive, Dropbox, or other sync systems. These don't play well with git. The download might take a few minutes.

Once the repo is finished cloning, there should be a folder paris_1970 in the directory in which you cloned it.

Go to File > Open Folder and open the project folder in VS Code.

When it asks you if you trust the authors of these files, click yes.

Your setup should now look something like this. Make sure the left hand pane (the Explorer) makes sense: you should see the same listing of files as in this picture.

Run the Installation Script

Click Terminal > New Terminal to open the terminal. Check that you do not see the text (base) at the beginning of your prompt. This means you're in an Anaconda Python environment.

If you are, issue the following two commands:

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

conda deactivate

Now you're ready to run the installer.

Windows only: install\install_win.bat

macOS or Linux: source install/

This might... take... a... while. Introduce yourself to your neighbors and tell them your favorite book or piece of music.

The installer will report "ALL DONE!" when it's done. If it doesn't get there and terminates, that means something has gone wrong. Take a look at the most recent output, which might give you a hint. Ask your peers or staff for help.

Select the Python Interpreter

Once you're done installing the project's dependencies, we need to tell VS Code about the Python virtual environment we just installed.

Go to View > Command Palette... (Learn the keyboard shortcut for this command. It's one of the most useful things in VS Code.) In the Command Palette input box, start typing "Python: Select Interpreter", and click on the command once it appears.

VS Code usually does a good job picking the correct virtual environment - the one tagged "Recommended" is usually the correct one (i.e., the one we just installed in your project directory). The path, in the smaller font, should start with .\ (Windows) or ./ (macOS or Linux). If it does not, ask a member of staff for help.

Select this interpreter, and you're nearly ready to launch the site!

Get the Database Password

Create a new file by clicking in any blank space in the File Explorer pane of VS Code. Call this file db_password.txt

Write the super secret database password, which you learned in lab, in this file and save it.

Start the Site

In the leftmost column of VS Code, click the Run and Debug button.

Find the dropdown menu indicated in this image, and select "Launch site", then click the small green arrow to run the backend and frontend of our site.

Wait for things to finish cooking in the output terminal, and then navigate to http://localhost:8000

If you're seeing the "This was Paris in 1970" homepage, you're done! Good job.

Now find someone who's having trouble, and help them get going, too. If you're a new UROP, ask a returning UROP about the projects they've worked on.

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